Profiles in Courage


Urm.  Guess I lied.  Clearly, I am only capable of updating a) Once a year, b) When Edallia  yells at me, or c) When Jean threatens me with public humiliation.   In honor of the rather tremendous update I'm working on, the first update is to, ahem. . . updates.   

Oh!  The link back to "Go Rogue" is located in each banner. . . anywhere you see the English/Aurebesh script, 'tis thy link. 

Hope you like the new look--I'm thrilled by it, and can't wait to unveil our new feature:  DEAD PILOTS.  More to come soon! 

By the way. . . Go Rogue turned EIGHT YEARS OLD last month!  Happy birthday, site!  (Yikes!)


How many times have I told you people. . . I ONLY update when Edallia yells at me. Tonight, we're hanging out, we're going through old stories and older comic strips, and find a comic that I wrote in Economics--oh, God! The Pain That Was Suffered in that class! Dr. Mangel, if I remember correctly. Mangle. Lovely.

Anyway. This story documents the reunion of Rogue Squadron, many years later (this was written pre-NJO.) And thus appears the quote. Bless my heart.

By the way! Don't forget to stop by and thank Lizzie for the update--That Is Not What I Meant At All

Love ya!


Thought I was gone for good there. I've only just gotten Grinder back online (he decided that communications drivers weren't REALLY necessary for him... grrr). Three months of internet abstinence have resulted in a fierce craving to redo the page. Any ideas?

Also, I want to thank all of you for continuing to check back while I was gone. Ya'll are the reason I keep the site going.


No update, folks. Not even really a point. . . But I'm doing my last minute packing to move tonight. Tomorrow, bright and early, I'll be leaving my college apartment. I lived in the same one for two years (after two years in the dorms), and with the same four wonderful girls the entire time. Somehow, it seems like the passing of this era should be commemorated on the page. Now, my ever-faithful Grinder is going to be broken down for transport to my new house. Goodnight, guys, and thanks for stopping by.


Yeah, I realize that this is another Tycho quote. But, it's sort of linked to Lizzie and I tonight on the phone, so I thought I'd honor our deconstructive impulses. Speaking of Lizzie.... She has graced us with an entirely new feature.... "The Poor Fan's Guide to Rebellion History." Longtime Edallia fans will find this to be another shining example of her razor-sharp wit and scathing commentary. New fans will probably find it funny as hell, and leave with a burning desire to immediately read all of her Canons.

Yes, she is that good.


Major major major stuff going on... for me at least. That last quote... the one I never managed to post to this page, too... yeah, that one commemorated my graduation from college! Yay! This means that I'll have more time for the page, when not searching for gainful employment. Aside from that, I was very good tonight. I rewrote "The Truth", finally. Also, I posted an entirely new Canon... admirably and creatively titled, "Stuff That I Know." (Yup, folks, that's what four years at a major research university will do to you.) It amused me, and I think you'll like it. Also Canon-related.... the directory page is FINALLY up. You can now navigate by the link to the left. Yay!

Pending Edallia approval, a new song should be up either tomorrow or over the weekend. This time, not even the Rat Pack has been spared! Also pending... a new page complex has been made available by Edallia. Thank her profusely, as soon as I get the stupid link put up.

I realize these changes may seem small, but they do foretell great things to come!


Spring Break has brought a new quote, at least. And please, folks, respect the humble quote-changing. I was dissatisfied with my list tonight, so I went through 35 comic books, 10 novels, and a few that I tried to make up. I settled for this one. Feylis was being sarcastic, of course... but then, Feylis always was a wuss. Incidentally, while trying to update everything (archive, main page, and profiles), I ACTUALLY MANAGED TO FORGET MY ADDRESS!!! I was SOO mad at the computer for not posting it right away.... *sigh* I'm getting old, folks.


New song, for your auditory pleasure. This one's my first foray into the Wraith side of things, and I went a little off the wall with the song--it's the theme to "Laverne and Shirley." I think you'll like it. On a related note--you may or may not have realized that the Truth Canon is not linked correctly. Be assured, the problem lies not in your computer, but in my tendency to update at three in the morning. I managed to save over my ONLY copy of it. I'm in the process of remembering what in the bloody hell I said the first time--which, incidentally, was also at three in the morning. Ahh, to live the life of an Ali. . .


BE PROUD! Tonight I not only redesigned the Canons, I posted two new ones and attempted to persuade Edallia to whip up some more. Schedules and inspiration permitting, they should become available in the next few weeks! I would especially like to welcome Jag Fel to the Go Rogue family. Please take a moment to read over his Canon. Although he is currently flying with the Imperial Remnent, I have great faith that he will, in fact, one day become a true Rogue pilot!


Edallia made me "The Official Rogue Squadron Soundtrack" for Christmas. The quote on the front page was intended to accompany the Top Gun Anthem. I just thought it was freakin' cool.


Not a great deal done tonight. . . threw together the new Dllr Nep and Nawara Ven bios. Side note to anyone out there. . . I'm struggling a bit with some of the information. . . I know that I know it, but am not sure exactly where from. If at any time I do or say anything grotesquely uninformed, please call me on it. (Yes, that is darn close to inviting flames, but one must remember that I'm doing most of this at two or three in the morning, not my most error-proof time.) Thanks!


More behind the scenes than even I realized... not that it's even close to what I SHOULD have finished. I'm premeiring a new Bio design... and in the interest of keeping as many links as possible active, I'm changing the bios as I get to them. Tonight I've put up Wedge, Tycho, Janson, Hobbie, Asyr, Plourr, Corran, and Gavin. Also changed the quote.


You'll notice that I've added a Canon without changing the quote. This is not excessive slackness on my part, but homage to Lando Calrissian. I really like him tonight.


All I did was change the quote, and it's not really Rogue-related, I know, but a considerable amount of soul-searching went into it.... I am hell-bent on not posting spoilers from Rebel Dream, but I don't think that this gives away anything we didn't already know. Love ya lots!


New canon! I was totally impressed by a new feature on TOS, and felt compelled to share. Happy snarglefooting!


Part two of one of my favorite scenes... following the "running for president" discussion. I love the irony of this quote... especially considereing events in Rebel Dream, which is the closest that I'll come to spoiling that darling of a book!


Okay, so I really, really love this quote. It's been so many years since I read Last Command (way before my Rogue obsession), that I'd never even seen it until tonight at a friend's house. Hope it amuses you as much as it did me. That's it for today, and happy (Rebel) Dreaming!


Actually got inspired to write something besides my story (a beast that has been consuming me for the last month)--it's a LOTR article, my thoughts and feelings. I probably should have changed the quote, but I"m away from my darling Grinder and didn't have my quote list, and it's too hard when I don't have records. Enjoy!


Here's an amazing coincidence: I have a paper due and two tests this week... guess what I'm doing! Anyway, the bios are not ready to go up yet (hey--this is HARD!), but I wanted to change the quote, at least. Love, hugs, and gratuitous tickle wars!


Has anyone else noticed that I update only when in the midst of midterms or finals? I wonder if there's a correlation between that phenomenon and my grades.... Nah. Couldn't be. Just felt the need to share that particular gem with the world at large. As always, thanks for stopping by and enjoy the site!


Yay! An Update! Wow! Let there be rejoicing throughout the cosmos!

Anyway, I added a new Canon (Pych 101, or Rogue Squadron for Dummies), and changed the quote. I'm also planning on finishing the layout changes over Christmas... maybe. :P Check it out!


Okay, so I realize that I should be shot not only for not touching the page in two months, but also for only changing the quote. My defense, as always, is that I am a desperately overloaded college student who is in the midst of midterms. I beg your indulgence once again. Wish me luck!


This is really just a copy of the update on the main page. I wanted to add, though, that it may take me a bit to get the new Canon and Bios pages up. I move in about four days, so things are very, very busy here, but I'm psyched about the changes and want to get it done. Feedback, feedback, feedback, PLEASE!


More behind the scenes stuff going on... I finally added some more bios (three). Oddly enough, I'm so slow getting them up not because they're difficult to do, but because there's so MANY pilots that have to be done, I get overwhelmed. Preproduction has begun on two new features... check back over the next few weeks as they become available. Also, look for some major layout changes coming in the weeks ahead.


True to form, I am updating ya'll after a frenzy of sporadic troubleshooting on the site. No drastic changes... (READ: Edallia woke me from a sound sleep and said, "Did you want to close those parentheses?" My response: "When did the Replacements go off HBO?")


I've been slowly working out the bugs in ARPA... Novelties is up and running, as are the broken links in Rogue Pictures. I may do something cheezy with the directory, or I may get lazy (probably) and do as little as humanly possible. Either way, enjoy the site and let me know what you think!


Major accomplishment.... ARPA 2.0 IS UP! There are still a few kinks... I noticed some graphics that I missed during my last editing episode, and some links may not work... but ARPA 2.1 should be along as soon as I get a chance to play with the files a little more. Have fun!


Not much of an update today. I put in one new Canon, and came up with an idea for another. Will I ever have time again????


I have come to the conclusion that I am the only person in the world who still enjoys hand coding. No, I am NOT a masochist, I just get easily exasperated with FrontPage and am too cheap to invest in another platform. Therefore, I've begun doing basics in FP and fine-tuning by hand. This makes for better quality pages for you folks, I assure you, but it does up the time it takes for me to get the pages up. That being said, two of the ARPA 2.0 Pages are loaded to the server, only three more to go, and then the new ARPA will be generally available. Thank you all for your patience and your (mostly) kind and gentle encouragement.


Did you think that I had forsaken Go Rogue  entirely? Ye of little faith! While I confess that there is little visible difference in the site, I have been busy lately doing behind the scenes things like ARPA. I've got one of the subindexes ready to go, and the others hopefully will be finished over the next few days. On the other hand, I have good news to report. We escaped the great Tripod blackout of '01... for which I am endlessly grateful, but our good friends over at ESD were not so lucky. Edallia's site was down for about three days, but it's up and running again (and, I think, better than ever!). Don't forget to check it out.... Edallia's Sort of Decent Sailor Moon Gallery.


OK, it is now officially midterm season at school, and I have two tomorrow morning. Needless to say, there are two options here: a) I will be a studious, serene college person and ignore everything except General Psychology and Portuguese or b) I will study for all of thirty minutes, get bored, and decide to do something fun, like create a frames version of the page. I leave it to fate to decide. Either way, I anticipate feeling much more relaxed tomorrow, as I head home for a week of (Winter) Break.


In the interest of documenting my site during its meteoric rise to fame (yeah, right... but I can dream, can't I?), I've decided to follow Edallia's lead in filing an official update page. For those curious few who actually care about my naming conventions, I'm calling it "Profiles in Courage" because in my state of advanced laziness, it requires outside stimulation to actually get me to work on my site. Anyway, in the past two days I've been inspired to publish the preliminary ARPA (I have 80-some graphics waiting to be archived, as well as the breakdown pages ready to go. Cross your fingers that spring break will go by slowly for me.), have added Edallia's canons and have begun work on three new ones. I've also begun prewriting on a new fanfic. Scary, yes, but not as scary as the fact that I've been on time for classes two days in a row.